Nine Primary Energy Systems

Printable .doc file The Nine Primary Energy Systems People who “see energy” can describe with some precision the anatomy of the energy body, and their descriptions tend to corroborate one another. These descriptions are now backed by electromagnetic measurements, and they also correlate with descriptions of subtle energies found throughout the world, understood in each […]

Nine Hearts Exercise Eden

Author Information Printable .doc file The Nine Hearts Exercise Donna Eden © 2006 Especially good for Heart, Large Intestine and Penetrating Flow, but connects all Radiant Circuits and gets them flowing With your hands on the front of your thighs, take a deep breathe in and out. Inhaling, move your hands slowly up the front […]

Metab Throat Chakra

Author Information Printable .doc file Metabolism and the Throat Chakra Donna Eden & David Feinstein, Ph.D. ©2007 Metabolism—necessary for all life—is the unceasing transformation of matter into energy (catabolism, a yin process) and energy into matter (anabolism, a yang process). Ideally there is a harmony between catabolic and anabolic processes, a yin-yang balance. While metabolism […]

Meridian Tracing Affirmations

Printable .doc file Meridian Tracing with the 24-Hour Meridian Flow Wheel Affirmations to Anchor Positive Attributes of the 14 Meridians Susan Shanley, LCSW © 2011 While tracing the meridians, focus inwardly and gently voice these affirmations: Affirmations Meridian I center myself in spirit. Central I ground myself in gratitude. Governing I nourish myself with love. […]

Marketing For Eem

Author Information Printable .doc file Marketing for EEM: Tips and Ideas Vicki Matthews, ND For a service industry, marketing can be thought of as any activity that creates awareness of you and tells what you have to offer. Basically, it is every contact you have in the outside world. Who are you? What do you […]

Letter Em Ins Carriers

Author Information Printable .pdf file Energy Medicine Institute 777 East Main Street Ashland, OR 97520 541-482-1800 November 10, 2010 To Whom It May Concern, Thank you for your inquiry. Energy Medicine works with the body’s “energy fields” to promote health and healing. “Energy Field Disturbance” is a standard diagnostic code (1.8) recognized by the North […]

Is Freedom Tips

Author Information Printable .doc file WIRELESS BRAS List of no-underwire bras recommended and compiled by Donna Eden, Vicki Matthews, and Titanya Dahlin Increasing attention is being paid to the health hazards of underwire bras, and many health care professionals are now recommending wireless bras. In Energy Medicine terms, the wire has the effect of clogging […]

Light And Color

Author Information Printable .doc file LIGHT AND COLOR © 2005 Donna Eden & David Feinstein, Ph.D. Color is energy made visible. —John Russell Light is fundamental. Our bodies are biological light-receptors that transform sunlight into life-sustaining energy. A photon is, most simply, a “particle of light.” Although light spreads as an electromagnetic wave, it can […]

Intro To Electrics

Printable .doc file Introduction to Electrics Donna Eden, David Feinstein Ph.D., and Vicki Matthews, N.D. ©2006 The Electrics are a subtle energy system that interconnects with all of the other energy systems as well as the physical body. At a physical level, our cells generate electricity. Researchers at Harvard University say that when an embryo […]

Human Aura

Author Information Printable .doc file THE HUMAN AURA © 2005 Donna Eden & David Feinstein, Ph.D. Basics: Diseases of the body are reflected in the aura and can be accurately diagnosed by those who can sense, see, or test subtle energy. Illness can, in fact, be recognized in the aura before it manifests in the […]