Transforming Health Care Through The Advancement of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology
The body’s energies are the key to health, vitality, and well-being. Energy medicine is the art and science of working with and teaching people to work with these energies to empower them to live happier, healthier lives. Long recognized by Eastern cultures, subtle energy fields are only recently being detected, studied, and utilized by Western medicine. Energy medicine is transforming health care, as well as having an impact on education, business, sports, and all other endeavors involving human performance.
The Energy Medicine Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that advances energy medicine through:
Public Education
Professional Training
Advocating the Use of an Energy Medicine Perspective within Health Care, Business, and Education
Developing Resources for the Professional Practice of Energy Medicine
Conducting Research and Disseminating Knowledge about Energy Medicine
You can support these objectives by contributing to the Energy Medicine Institute

Resources from the Energy Medicine Institute
Links to Valuable Information About Energy Medicine: