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What It Is:
Energy psychology has been called “psychological acupuncture without the needles.” It is a clinical technique and a self-empowerment approach that provides simple methods for shifting brain patterns that lead to unwanted thoughts, actions, and emotions. It draws from ancient spiritual practices and healing traditions and uses them in thoroughly modern ways.
The Essential Principle:
“The brains power to restore a persons distressed emotional world to well-being is far greater than we once knew.”
Bruce Ecker
Psychotherapy Networker
How It Does It: Tapping on acupuncture points (along with related techniques) while an anxiety-evoking memory or thought is brought to mind sends signals to the brain that turn off the anxious response in the moment and rapidly alter the neural pathways that maintained that response.
The Conditions It Helps: Variations of this strategy also appear to shift, for the persons benefit, the brains coding of irrational anger, jealousy, guilt, shame, unremitting grief, compulsive behaviors, phobias, PTSD, depression, addictions, and chronic pain. The method has also been shown to promote peak performance and to help in attaining personal goals.
Who Practices It: Both licensed mental health professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers and life coaches who do not treat mental disorders use the methods of energy psychology with their clients. Energy psychology also offers back-home techniques for clients as well as potent self-help tools for those not in counseling. Variations include EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), TFT (Thought Field Therapy), and TAT (Tapas Acupuncture Technique), among numerous other formats.
What Does It Do to the Brain: Energy psychology works by stimulating energy points on the surface of the skin which, when paired with various psychological procedures, send signals to the brain that may impact stress chemicals such as cortisol and DHEA, deactivate limbic system arousal, and rapidly alter neural pathways.
Has Its Effectiveness Been Established?
Energy psychology is still a controversial development within the mental health field (the techniques look quite strange, are adopted from foreign cultures, and the claims of a growing number of practitioners seem almost too good to be true), but evidence is mounting that these techniques are significant, powerful tools for both self-help and clinical treatment (see following pages).
How Can I Learn More:
The Promise of Energy Psychology: Revolutionary Tools for Dramatic Personal Change by David Feinstein, Donna Eden, and Gary Craig (Tarcher/Penguin, 2005) is an award-winning book which is, according to Robin Kelly, M.D., “widely regarded as the most balanced, readable, and comprehensive text on the science and practical applications in this exciting emerging field.”
Energy Psychology Resources
Energy Psychology Certification Program: (the non-profit Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology).
Home Study Programs and CEUs:
Energy Psychologys First Peer-Reviewed Journal Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, Treatment
Video Programs that Teach Energy Psychology Methods: (click “Free Videos”) (David Feinsteins “Introduction to Energy Psychology” DVD set)
Free Internet Newsletters/Reports/e-support Sites: (EFT e-letter, click “Free Newsletter”) (Pat Carringtons excellent e-letter)
Energy Psychology Practitioner Referral Lists: (ACEP Assn for Comprehensive Energy Psychology) (Emotional Freedom Techniques) — click “Find a Practitioner”) (Thought Field Therapy) (Fred Gallos EDxTMEnergy Diagnostic and Treatment Methods) (Seemorg Matrix Work/Advanced Integrative Therapy)
Nonprofit Organizations Concerned with Energy Psychology: (also includes referral lists and many other resources) (ACEP Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology) (Association for Meridian Therapies) (Energy Medicine Institute) (International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, ISSSEEM)
One of EMI’s major projects is to bring national attention and resources to Energy Psychology. Learn more about Energy Psychology and EMI’s efforts:
Energy Psychology Fact Sheet Energy Psychology Case Histories with Two Veterans with PTSD A Video Clip Showing Before Treatment and Post-Treatment Interviews with Four Veterans An Academic Paper on How Energy Psychology Works Summaries of 9 Academic Papers on Energy Psychology Assessing Energy Psychology Courses According to APA CE Criteria Energy Psychology in the News
Energy Medicine Institute Activities in Behalf of Energy Psychology Bringing Energy Psychology to the Attention of Congress Letter from 3 Congressmen Resulting from Visit Second Visit to Washington Challenging the American Psychological Association’s Position on Energy Psychology EMI Report on the APA’s Position on Energy Psychology Interview with EMI’s Mental Health Coordinator about the APA’s Position Press Release on the APA’s Position on Energy Psychology Research on the Use of Energy Psychology in Treating PTSD What You Can Do
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