Proposed Experiments in Energy Medicine
© 2006 Energy Medicine Institute
The Energy Medicine Institute proposes the following six experiments as steps toward scientifically establishing the case for energy medicine in health care settings and illustrate ways energy therapies could be integrated with conventional medicine:
1) implementing energy balancings before and after surgery and comparing laboratory measures such as T-cell counts as well as recovery rates with those of patients receiving relaxation training and those receiving no special intervention;
2) adding twice-weekly energy medicine sessions, combined with a daily self-administered energy balancing routine, to the treatment regimes of patients diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, such as multiple sclerosis, and comparing gene expression (as measured by “gene chips”) as well as the disease course over a year with matched patients receiving conventional treatment only;
3) augmenting medication decisions with methods that test for the energetic compatibility of the choice and dosage of the drug and comparing laboratory measures of the drugs intended actions, healing rates, and side effects with matched patients whose medication and dosage are determined by standard indicators alone;
4) supplementing chemotherapy, radiation, and medication with energy methods for reducing side effects and comparing with matched patients not using energy methods;
5) teaching paramedics to apply a basic energy routine designed to reduce the impact of physical trauma at the scene of an accident and comparing T-cell counts, pain, anxiety, and recovery rates with a matched group not receiving this intervention;
6) offering a randomly selected group of employees of a company daily 20-minute energy balancing sessions and comparing baseline lab test health indicators as well as their medical service utilization histories over a two-year period with randomly-selected employees who are offered a daily 20-minute calisthenics program and another with no special treatment.
Additional experiments could also reveal the potential advantages of bringing the principles of energy medicine to workplace, educational, and community settings. For instance:
Introducing a daily 20-minute energy balancing as part of the physical education class of a randomly selected group of students and comparing their academic performance with a group of students who are not offered special energy balancing routines.
As in #6 above, but instead of, or in addition to, following health indicators, follow productivity indicators.
Follow recidivism rates of individuals convicted of impulsive crimes after being taught energy methods for managing anger and rage.
From the “Handout Bank” of the Energy Medicine Institute