Jeanne Cook, M.D.
Donna Eden
David Feinstein, Ph.D.
Jeff Harris, M.D.
Vicki Matthews, N.D.
While it is unlikely that energy interventions properly applied would cause an acute medical emergency such as a heart attack or stroke (we know of no such cases based on tens of thousands of sessions), the possibility that a heart attack or stroke might occur while someone is on your table is as likely as it is that one might occur while the person is at a baseball game, a picnic, or watching television. You should be prepared. Staying current with Red Cross CPR and First Aid Certification is a first obvious step.
This brief guide presents additional basic information a non-medical energy practitioner should master to help maintain that preparedness. It also addresses a number of non-emergency situations that may occur during energy healing work. It does not, however, pretend to be comprehensivethat would require a book. But it does review the warning signs of conditions such as heart attack or stroke that would require an immediate call to 911 as well as covering a variety of other situations that could confront you as an energy practitioner.
I. SIGNS OF A HEART ATTACK: If a heart attack is suspected, call 911.
Chest discomfort
that lasts for more than 5 minutes or that goes away and comes back. Located in the center of the chest, people may describe this as squeezing, fullness, pressure, or pain.
Other discomfort
in the upper body such as one or both arms, the neck or jaw, upper back, or stomach area
Shortness of breath,
which can occur with or before the chest discomfort
Other signs
might include nausea, lightheadedness, dizziness, or breaking out in a cold sweat
Many of the energy medicine terms and procedures in this paper are described in Donna Edens Energy Medicine (available through
This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Raymond D. Dahlinfather of Donna Edens daughters, Titanya and Dondi Dahlinwhose life was given a precious extra seven-month chapter following a fortuitous combination of traditional and energy-based life-saving interventions on January 10, 2004.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Women often experience subtler symptoms of heart attack, and many times heart attacks are missed in women because they are not recognized. Women who are having a heart attack may have little or no chest pain along with one or more of the other symptoms listed above.
- Medical Necessities: If the person has stopped breathing, administer CPR, including chest compressions if there is no pulse. This is the top priority!
- Common Sense:
Make the person as comfortable as possible.
ENERGY METHODS to support the heart (presented in the suggested order, but like all energy medicine interventions, use with an experimental attitudethey wont hurt, they probably will help, energy test your results when appropriate, stay attuned to your intuition, not every technique listed will be necessary, innovate):
Do a “hook-up” (one hand in navel, one hand on third eye, push in and pull up).
Strengthen the heart meridian by tracing it forward. As you come to the end of the meridian, rapidly twist the ends of the little fingers back and forth with some pressure.
Deeply and vigorously massage the heart neurolymphatic points between the 2nd and 3rd ribs, just below where the collarbone and breastbone meet, especially if the person is unconscious. Do not do this massage for more than 10 to 15 seconds.
Hold one hand over the heart area and press deeply into the top of the pubic bone with the other hand for about 30 to 60 seconds (re-establishes electrical energy in the body and stimulates the penetrating flow)
Hold the triple warmer strengthening points (TW3 & GB41, then TW2 & BL66) if the person appears to be leaving the body. Speak calmly and ask the person to stay with you. If you have help available, have another person pulse the K1 points on the bottom of the feet.
Hold the spleen meridian strengthening points (Sp2 & H8, then Sp1 & Lv1).
If the heartbeat is erratic or if the heart is beating too strong, hold the small intestine meridian strengthening points (GB41 & SI3, then B66 & SI2).
If the person is conscious, stable and resting comfortably, hold the frontal neurovascular points to offer comfort until help arrives.
- Sudden numbness or weakness
- Sudden confusion,
- Sudden trouble walking,
- Sudden trouble seeing
- Sudden severe headache
of the arm, leg, or face, especially on one side of the body
trouble understanding or speaking
loss of balance or coordination, or dizziness
in one or both eyes
with no known cause
A TEST the General Public Can Use to Assess Whether a Person Has Had a Stroke (from a paper presented at the American Stroke Association’s annual meeting):
The symptoms of a stroke can be difficult to recognize, and this can spell disaster. The stroke victim may suffer brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say any bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
- Ask the person to smile
- Ask the person to raise both arms
- Ask the person to speak a simple sentence
If the person has trouble with any of these tasks, call 911 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
Medical Necessities: If the person has stopped breathing, administer CPR, including chest compressions if there is no pulse. This is the top priority.
Common Sense:
Make the person as comfortable as possible.
ENERGY METHODS to help restore neurological balance:
Do a hook-up (one hand in navel, one hand on third eye, push in and pull up).
Push the middle finger of one hand into the persons “power point” (indent at center base of skull where skull meets the neck) and with the other hand hold the K-27s firmly for at least a minute.
Hold the “electrical points” at the base of skull just above the neck (on either side of the power point) for at least a minute.
Do a crown pull.
Do a frontal/occipital hold (one hand across the forehead area at the hairline, the other at the back of the head where the skull joins the neck) until you feel a pulse in the forehead. The top part of the hand on the forehead activates the liver neurovascular points (liver meridian feeds the heart) at the hairline and the bottom (across the eyebrows) activates the bladder neurovascular points (bladder meridian governs the nervous system).
Hold spleen neurovascular points (one inch above ear on either side of head) for one to two minutes.
Hold the triple warmer strengthening points (TW3 & GB41, then TW2 & BL66) if the person appears to be leaving the body. Talk to the person and ask the person to stay with you. If you have help available, have another person pulse the K1 points on the bottom of the feet.
Breathing difficulties can have a number of serious causes, some of them life-threatening. Heart attack, asthma, and anaphylactic shock are all discussed in this brief paper. Among the other possible serious causes are congestive heart failure (the inability to pump enough blood to avoid congestion in the lungs and other organs), severe pneumonia, and pulmonary embolism (blockage of blood vessels in the lung by a blood clot that usually originates in the lower part of the body, usually the legs). If the symptoms are severe, call 911.
Asthma is a respiratory disorder characterized by wheezing. Possible triggers for asthma include respiratory infection, allergies, chemical sensitivity, overexertion, and intense emotion. The most common asthma symptoms are shortness of breath or difficulty breathing (it feels like breathing through a straw), wheezing, and coughing. If the person’s symptoms are severe, call 911.
Medical Necessities: If the person has stopped breathing, administer CPR, including chest compressions if there is no pulse.
Common Sense: Make the person as comfortable as possible. It is particularly important when assisting someone with an asthma attack to remain calm and reassuring and to encourage the person to slow his or her breathing while waiting for emergency help to arrive.
ENERGY METHODS to help the person relax and to support the respiratory system:
The first order of business is to calm the person and re-establish the ability to breathe regularly. The degree of breathing impairment will determine the level of energy intervention. Options include:
Pushing in hard in the fleshy area approximately one inch above the inside corners of the bottom of the scapula (shoulder blade) can stop an asthma attack.
Flush lung meridian several times, and deeply massage lung neurolymphatic points on the sternum and between the ribs beside the sternum until breathing eases.
If the person is having some difficulty breathing, but seems able to get enough air, you can calm Triple Warmer. Place one hand over the TW and kidney neurovascular points just below the turn at the back of the head and the other hand laying flat on the forehead with the fingers stretching to the temples. After a minute, change hands so your fingers reach to the other temple.
If the person is having great difficulty breathing, you can trace Triple Warmer forward on both sides several times. Then hold the Triple Warmer strengthening points (TW3 & GB41, then TW2 & BL66). Talk to the person and ask the person to stay with you. If you have help available, have another person pulse the K1 points on the bottom of the feet. If it becomes necessary to administer CPR, that is the priority intervention, but if other people are available, the energy interventions may be done simultaneously.
A seizure is an electrical disturbance in the brain that results in temporary changes in a person
s awareness, behavior, or movement. Epilepsy is a brain disorder that causes recurrent seizures. Although different types of seizures are quite distinct in how they appear, certain features are common to all seizures. People who are having a seizure are not conscious even though their eyes may be open, so they will not be responsive to efforts to rouse them. For any person having a seizure there is a potential for physical injury. Seizures are generally followed by a period of confusion, lethargy, or sleepiness called the postictal state. This may last from a few minutes to a few hours.
Some people who are having a seizure may have a blank stare. Others may engage in repetitive hand movements or lip smacking or have muscle jerking (convulsions) involving one or more limbs. One type of seizure, called a Grand-mal seizure, potentially poses a more serious threat because it may result in blockage of the airway. Although it is very unlikely that you will witness a person experiencing a
Grand-mal seizure during an energy medicine session, it is important that you recognize one should it occur. Initially, the person will make a brief grunting or gasping sound. This will be followed by generalized rigidity of the extremities and trunk with the head often turned to one side and eyes rolled up. Following this tonic phase is the clonic phase (Grand-mal seizures are often called tonic-clonic seizures), characterized by muscle jerks or convulsions. Breathing may be labored. It is in this phase that there is the risk that the tongue can block the airway. The person could lose bowel or bladder control. A Grandmal seizure usually lasts between one and five minutes.
Distinctions: Seizures, as described above, may cause a vacant stare, repetitive movements of hands or lip smacking, or repetitive jerking (convulsions) involving one or more limbs; all associated with a temporary loss of consciousness during the seizure followed by a period of lethargy or confusion. Tremors, on the other hand, are involuntary rhythmic limb movements caused by illness (such as Parkinson
s disease) or by a hereditary condition. Tremors develop gradually and are not a medical emergency. It is possible for energy treatments to cause peoples limbs to twitch or move in a random way, but this movement is not a seizure, convulsion, or tremor.
If a person you are working with experiences a seizure, immediately take steps to prevent physical injury. The Epilepsy Foundation recommends that an ambulance be called if 1) the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes; 2) there is no Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder ID present and no way of knowing whether the seizure is caused by epilepsy; 3) consciousness does not start to return after the shaking has stopped; 4) a second seizure starts shortly after the first has ended; or 5) the person is pregnant, injured, or diabetic.
Medical Necessities: Bring the person to the floor to prevent falling. Place in a position where uncontrolled movements will not result in injury. Place the person on the side if possible and cushion the head. This position reduces the risk of suffocation from the tongue blocking the airway or vomit being inhaled. Never put an objectincluding your fingersin the mouth of someone who is seizing, and do not hold the person down. Do not give the person anything to eat or drink until fully alert. Loosen ties or anything around the neck that may make breathing difficult. Look for a medical ID bracelet. If the person stops breathing, administer CPR. Offer help when the seizure ends.
Common Sense:
Prevent immediate injury first. Call 911 second.
ENERGY METHODS to help a person having a seizure:
After taking steps to prevent injury, insuring that the person is breathing, and calling 911, one of the quickest ways to end a seizure is to “hook up” the persons energies in as many ways as possible:
- Lay your forefingers over the closed eyelid with gentle pressure. This can sometimes immediately stop a seizure (as well as to calm someone who is overexcited).
- If you are alone with the person, do a frontal hook-up by placing one hand in the navel and the other hand at the third eye area, pushing in and pulling up for up to a minute.
- If others are there with you, have another person do a “power point/sacrum hook-up” at the same timeplacing one hand on the persons power point (indent at center base of skull where the skull meets the neck) and the other hand over the persons sacral area. Hold these hook-ups until the person starts coming out of the seizure.
Push in and hold K-1 for a minute or two.
Once the person is conscious, do a frontal/occipital hold. This not only provides comfort, it also connects the rear electrical points, stabilizing the persons energies. Continue until you feel a pulse on the forehead.
VI. ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK: This is a severe and rapid reaction to a substance (especially foods such as shellfish and peanuts, insect venom such as a bee sting, or medication such as a vaccine or penicillin). The person was sensitized to the substance by previous exposure.
An anaphylactic reaction is not likely to occur in your office because it usually develops so rapidly after exposure to the offending substance, but if a person you are seeing is having a severe allergic reaction, particularly to something that has caused a serious reaction in the past, anaphylactic shock is a possibility. Symptoms include difficulty breathing and swelling of the face and may escalate to a loss of consciousness and death. Call 911 immediately if you suspect this may be occurring.
Medical Necessities: If the person has stopped breathing, administer CPR, including chest compressions if there is no pulse.
Common Sense:
Make the person as comfortable as possible.
Energy Methods to help counter the shock response and help the person relax:
In the unlikely event of anaphylactic shock during an energy treatment, the best course of action after insuring that the person is breathing and calling 911 is to strengthen Triple Warmer. While you are holding these points (TW3 & GB41, then TW2 & BL66), you can talk to the person and give assurance that everything will be okay. As the person comes out of the reaction and stabilizes, do the navel/third eye hook-up. If someone else is with you, have the person hold the spleen neurovascular points on the side of the head, one inch above each ear.
Among the indications for referral to a health professional capable of making a medical diagnosis are:
- Unexplained weight loss
- Persistent pain of unknown cause
- Blood in urine or stools
- Fatigue
- Persistent symptoms like cough or hoarseness
- Unexplained lumps or sores that don’t heal
- Fainting episodes in an adult
Use common sense and refer clients for symptoms that are clearly abnormal or that don’t improve with energy treatments.
Certain chronic health conditions, such as hypertension, asthma, and diabetes, can result in long-term complications if they are not treated properly. It is impossible to tell from the person’s symptoms alone whether the health condition is stable or whether complications are developing. Periodic medical tests to monitor such conditions should be a condition of your treating the person. If your client is receiving aggressive treatments, such as radiation or chemotherapy, energy medicine should be considered an adjunct to that treatment and you should be working in consultation with the treating physician. Maintain a collaborative attitude with any other health care providers working with your client, including informing them of the nature of the treatment you are providing, staying posted on their findings and treatments, and consulting as appropriate.
Intense Emotional Release. During the course of energy treatments, people may experience an intense release of emotions. This may or may not be accompanied by trembling, twitches, random limb movements, or a stiffening of the body. The first response is to engage the person, speaking calmly and softly. In introducing an energy technique, always be sure you maintain good rapport. Dont just “do it” to the person. Here are some possible energy interventions to use should an intense emotional release occur:
- The navel/third-eye hook-up is a good place to start. Be sure it is okay to touch the person, and that is okay to touch on the face.
- Firmly pull the energy down the legs. This is comforting and grounding.
- Hold around the ankle areas for up to two minutes.
- Hold or pulse the K1 points.
- Place one hand over the heart chakra and the other over the second chakra.
- If needed, have the person lie face up, push in at the “power point” (where the back of the head meets the neck), and pull out.
- Sedate stomach meridian (St45 & LI1, then St43 & GB41).
Headache. The person may experience an acute headache. One or more of the following may alleviate it:
- Place your left hand near the area of the headache and your right hand away from the persons body and “draw out” the painful energy. Alternative: As above, but move your left hand in a counter-clockwise motion.
- Grab hair close to the scalp, anywhere on the head, and tug gently. Move to another place. Continue, stimulating all over the head. Or massage vigorously. End with the “crown pull.”
- Hold the power point (indent at center base of skull where skull meets the neck) and the third eye point.
- Hold the electrical points deeply (points on either side of the power point at the base of the skull), possibly massaging lightly as they are held.
- Massage along gall bladder meridian on the head, beginning with GB1 and proceeding back to the electrical points (GB20).
- Massage the gall bladder point on the outside of the legs between the hips and the knees (GB31).
- Sedate stomach meridian (St45 & LI1, then St43 & GB41).
- For a headache caused by a reaction to something in the airsuch as cat dander, cleaning fluid, or perfumeget into fresh air, close mouth, hold one nostril closed, breathe in and out of the other nostril five or six times, and reverse sides.
Altered States. The person may enter an altered state of consciousness and, rarely, appear to have left the body. Initially, if the person is in an altered state but conversant, ask if help or assistance is desired. Sometimes a productive and even precious inner journey is underway. If you are told the person does not want assistance, just stay close by and monitor the situation. If assistance is requested, various energy techniques may quickly lead to a sense of safety and well-being:
- Firmly pull the energy down with your open hand traveling on the fronts and sides of the persons legs. Hold around the ankle areas. This helps to ground the person and also engages the radiant circuits.
- Place one hand over the heart chakra and the other the second chakra. Use words that comfort and soothe.
- Strengthen spleen meridian (Sp2 & H8, then Sp1 & Lv1).
- If the person is laying face-up, do a frontal hook-up (one hand in navel, one hand on third eye, push in and pull up). If the person is laying face-down, hook-up the power point to the sacral area.
- Minor Physical Ailments. If a treatment successfully causes large shifts in the energy system, even highly beneficial shifts, the person may experience “flu-like” symptoms as the body rids itself of toxins and the energy system restabilizes.
- If the person starts feeling ill during the session, encourage drinking lots of water (it is always a good idea to encourage people to drink lots of water before and after any energy session).
- Check to see if the body has gone into a homolateral pattern. If so, with the person lying face up, assist with the homolateral crossover.
- After the homolateral crossover, with the person now lying face down, do a spinal flush and sedate kidney meridian (K1 & Lv1, then Sp3 & K3) to help in processing toxins.
- The Triple Warmer Reactivity Pose (you or the client may hold the points): thumbs over the index finger nails and placed on the temples, the other fingers placed on the frontal forehead points (the neurovascular points).
- Chakra cleansing may unscramble and stabilize disturbed energies.
- The Wayne Cook posture at the end of a powerful session can also serve to unscramble and stabilize disturbed energies.
Dizziness or Fainting: First, lower the person to the ground to protect from injury due to falling and take other common sense measures (check breathing and pulse, loosen tie, etc.).
A simple energy intervention that often counters dizziness or fainting is to press or tap Circulation-Sex 7 with your fingers (in the center of the wrist crease between the palm and the forearm). Alternatively, if the person is dizzy but conscious, demonstrate tapping the heels of the hands together, stimulating the same points.
Caution: Fainting or loss of consciousness may be a symptom of other conditions, such as heart rhythm abnormalities, dangerously low blood sugar (usually from too much insulin or oral diabetes medication in a person with diabetes), an “absence'” seizure (non-responsiveness accompanied by sudden loss of muscle strength), or an abreaction (the intense and involuntary purging of emotional tension that is sometimes triggered during therapeutic procedures). If efforts to rouse the person do not result in an immediate return of consciousness, CPR should be instituted if indicated and 911 called. It is important to be especially vigilant if the person is known to have diabetes or a heart condition.
Disclaimer: The energy interventions suggested in this paper are never to be used instead of or relied upon over standard medical emergency procedures. While clinical observation suggests that they have been effective in the ways described, this does not mean they will be effective with your particular client or in the specific medical emergency that has arisen. It is also important for you to recognize that there is little or no controlled, double-blind research on using the energy interventions described within medical emergency contexts.
From the “Handout Bank” of the Energy Medicine Institute