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A Career
for the Future
to The Energy Medicine Institute
“Energy medicine is the future of all medicine.”
C. Norman Shealy, M.D.
Many of the people who study energy medicine wonder if it is a potential career. In terms of experiences with Donna Eden’s students, about half the people who come to our five-day basic training programs are there for purely personal reasons. They realize that the methods being taught can help them and their loved ones with their healing or with maximizing their well-being, good mood, and peak performance. Or they recognize that working with the bodys energies is a pathway to personal and spiritual development.
The other half are usually in the health or mental health professions, or working in another context where they can apply energy medicine, ranging from business to education to athletics to government. Or perhaps they are administrators keeping abreast of a cutting edge development in the human services sector.
Many people in both camps stop after the five-day basic training. They have a solid foundation in energy medicine that they can use for the rest of their lives. But a significant (and growing) proportion of them go on for further training. Given the complexity of the human body and the range of applications, there is a great deal to learn. We have no doubt that energy medicine will one day not so far away be an advanced degree program within medical schools.
Our teaching ambition, on the other hand, is to make the methods as available as possible to as many people as possible with as little bureaucracy as possible. We have no desire to have a school as such, but we are systematically teaching the building block classes, videotaping them, and developing them into home study courses so they can be widely available. For instance, if you have been to a Five-Day Basic Energy Medicine Intensive and wanted to come to an advanced class but didnt have the other pre-requisites, you could complete them via home study videotapes. The Five-Day Introductory class still needs to be taken in-person as we feel that gives you a stronger foundation.
In our Training Sequence, we have laid out the steps toward becoming an Energy Medicine practitioner. Because this is a professionally ambiguous role (most states do not yet license this profession and you have to be very careful about legal issues), most of the people who have trained with us in depth are already licensed health care professionals or have a pioneering spirit or a deep sense of calling. What we can predict based on the trends we are observing (such as the increasing prestige of the invitations coming our way, the prominence of people taking our classes, and the number of professionals who are formally identifying themselves as using energy interventions), is that people with a solid foundation in energy medicine will be in considerable demand five years from now.
You might give this some consideration if you are re-thinking your professional future. A way to focus your aspirations is to work toward being able to take the Basic Grid Class. This advanced level of training, of course, is not for everyone. It means having either a private practice or another context in which you are offering people energy medicine sessions. It is a select group. You need to apply before being accepted into the training. There is also a less tangible requirement, which is that you have been to enough classes either as a participant or TA that our senior staff has a feel for who you are, so make yourself known. This training will round out your ability to know how to use energy medicine for a wide range of situations, and if you are considering using energy medicine in a professional setting, we encourage you to seriously consider the sequence that would get you to the Grid Training. It is the last requirement except for clinical experience before you can be considered to be on our referral list of advanced practitioners.
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